
Professional Fees

Podiatry services are eligible for rebates from all major private health funds under the “extras” cover. The rebate amounts are determined solely by the health fund and not the service provider. Quotes and item codes for specific services, including foot orthoses, are available from our Podiatrists at the initial consultation. This allows you to check the amount you will be able to claim from your health fund for a particular item.

People who hold a Department of Veterans’ Affairs gold card or podiatry related white card are fully covered for our services, but will require an initial referral from their doctor. Likewise, people who wish to claim Podiatry treatment under Workcover, CRS or MCRS will require a referral from their general practitioner.

Medicare rebates are available for eligible people who are currently managed by their doctor under an “Enhanced Primary Care Plan”. This care plan enables a maximum of 5 visits to a Podiatrist or other allied health professionals in a 12 month period. People with complex care needs or chronic health conditions such as diabetes and arthritis, may be eligible for a medicare rebate. This will need to be discussed with your GP and a specific referral will be required to enable the fee to be claimed through Medicare.

Please feel free to call the practice on 4723 5500 for more in-depth information regarding our services and associated fees. Our practice is fully computerised with EFTPOS, Credit Card and HICAPS facilities available on-site.